Dehing Patkai The 7th National Park of Assam 2021 - Majuli Island- The First Riverine District of India

Dehing Patkai The 7th National Park of Assam 2021

Dehing Patkai  Becomes The 7th National Park of Assam 2021


On 13th December 2020, the Assam Government has decided to upgrade Dehing Patkai Wildlife Sanctuary to a National Park. Recently on 9th June 2021, the Forest Department of Assam officially declared Dehing Patkai as a National Park of Assam. The Dehing Patkai is the 7th National Park of Assam after the Raimona National Park (declared as the 6th National Park of Assam on 5th June 2021) and the 106th National Park in India.

Jeypore Rainforest - The Amazon Of The East Becomes The 7th National Park Of Assam, India

The National Park is located in the Dibrugarh and Tinsukia districts which are also called coal and oil-rich districts of Upper Assam. The National Park is located within the larger Dehing Patkai Elephant Reserve. Dehing is the name of the river that flows through this rainforest and Patkai is the hill at the foot of which the park lies. The National Park is also known as Jeypore Rainforest and it is famous for Assam Valley Tropical Wet Evergreen Forests bordering Arunachal Pradesh. It covers an area of 111.19 sq. km (42.93 sq. mi) tropical rainforest.

It was declared as a Wildlife Sanctuary on 13th June 2004. The Dehing Patkai is also referred to as the "Amazon of the East". The forestland stretches for 575 sq. km across 3 districts of Upper Assam. The Park is additionally referred to as the "Dehing Patkai Elephant Reserve".

India's Largest Rain Forest- Amazon of the East- Dehing Patkai is a contiguous patch of rainforest. Its biodiversity is very rich and unique. It is a deciduous rainforest interspersed with semi-evergreen and lush green flora.

Animal Species- Hoolock gibbon, Slow loris, Pig-tailed macaque, Stump-tailed macaque, Capped langur, Asian elephant, Bengal tiger. Dehing Patkai hosts about 293 different species of birds including- Slender-billed vulture, White-winged Duck, Greater Adjutant, Lesser adjutant, Greater spotted eagle, etc.

The most common reptiles found here are- Rock python, King cobra, Asian leaf turtle, Monitor lizard. There are more than 150 different species of butterfly thrive and rare fauna found in this beautiful tropical vegetation including- Chinese pangolin, flying fox, wild pig, sambar, barking deer, gaur, serow, and Malayan giant squirrels, etc.

Why is Dehing Patkai Famous For ?

  • Rare fauna - Malayan giant squirrels, Chinese Pangolin, serow, gaur, wild pig, barking deer, flying fox, and sambar found only in the Dehing Patkai National Park.
  • It is the only National Park in India in which 7 different species of wild cats - golden cat, marbled cat, leopard cat & jungle cat are found.
  • The red-listed Near Threatened species - Assamese macaque are found here.
  • The Dehing Patkai has the highest concentration of White-winged wood duck.
  • The Dehing Patkai is a contiguous patch of rainforest.

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